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20 August 2007

Good God, Bad God

I was listening to Matisyahu and, as usual, he was making me wonder if I should become Jewish. It got me thinking to why, if I was going to call myself anything, I'd choose to call myself a Christian. The main thing l like about Christianity is the whole New Testament vibe. And yet I'm drawn to Judaism. The Old Testament pretty much freaks me out. But that is the main thing Judaism and Christianity have in common.

I often reflect on the strange pair the Old and New Testament present. I know someone like Tom will say they are totally reconcilable, but I think there are lots of things I would be able to reconcile with the Old Testament more easily than Jesus. But perhaps it's possible that the whole bible is God trying to pull a Good Cop - Bad Cop on us all. We're all running to Jesus, trying to create a personal relationship with him because he's so gentle and touchable. And there's God behind him threatening us with the phonebook, which is God-sent pestilence and famine. I suppose Hell is more akin to that scene in LA Confidential where Budd hangs that guy out the window.

Come to think of it, Guy Pearce would make a pretty good Jesus.


  1. Atheism works pretty well for me.

    You could try renouncing* the lord for a bit, see how that goes.

    *) I originally wrote “denounce”, thinking it meant roughly the same as renounce. But then I looked up the words.

    Willem / 7:26pm / 20 August 2007

  2. Yeah. I’ve renounced him plenty of times over the years and it never makes that much difference.

    Ryan / 10:18pm / 20 August 2007

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