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4 September 2007

Violent Protest Manual

The Daily Telegraph has reported the distribution of a "riot manual". It explains how to evade paying fares on public transport. You might not be able to imagine anything worse, but worse it gets. Even more violent than fare-evasion, it tells people how to maliciously avoid have pepper spray squirted in their eyes and how to maliciously carry a water bottle to stay hydrated. These people are animals.


  1. I really want to read this manual of HATE, but, I’m at work, and wesley mission might object to me using these pure, holy, christian computers for such a blasphemous task. I also want to wish you a happy birthday.

    james clarke / 9:23am / 4 September 2007

  2. Thanks

    Ryan / 9:37am / 4 September 2007

  3. Why dont they just carry onions, it will make them cry themselves instead of avoiding pepper spray

    Anmol / 12:17am / 6 September 2007

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