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7 October 2007

RIAA Boycott

I found a nifty site which lets you [search for albums and artists who aren't distributed by members of the RIAA. Most people probably won't care about the RIAA, but some might.

I've decided that for 12 months I won't download music and I will only buy music from non-RIAA distributors. Luckily The Shins are OK. Bob Dylan, sadly, is not. But then I already have nearly all his good albums.

Update: I should have included movies in that as well. No movie piracy for 12 months either.


  1. Can you tell me who the RIAA are? Are they evil? They sound like they could be.

    jem / 1:45pm / 7 October 2007

  2. They are the Recording Industry Association of America and they’re an association of large music distributors. Lately, they’ve spent a lot of their time fighting music piracy.

    They’re not evil, but I think they’re bullies. They’re entitled to do what they do, but I’d like to try and encourage them to use friendlier methods.

    Ryan / 1:50pm / 7 October 2007

  3. I did read this post, the whole way through and it says nothing about movies which is why I couldn’t remember reading it.


    Tom / 1:18pm / 10 October 2007

  4. Oh yes. Whoops. I’ll include movies too.

    Ryan / 3:05pm / 10 October 2007

  5. radiohead have release their latest album independantly on their website to avoid getting screwed by people like the RIAA. take a look. apparently it’s quite good.. i’m downloading it now..

    chris / 9:16am / 13 October 2007

  6. Yep. I’m listening to it now.

    Ryan / 9:34am / 13 October 2007

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