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20 October 2007

Abortion Pills

I don't know much about abortion pills at all. But while I was lying in bed this morning it struck me that you might be able to spike someone's drink with an abortion pill. Or partners might be able to slip it into your food. I can't think of a reason why someone would spike your drink with it, but I can think of reasons why partners might spike your food.


  1. According to the Vic Govt health website, RU486 can be taken up to 3 months into the pregnancy. It causes miscarriage by blocking the production of the hormone progesterone which is needed for a successful pregnancy. And two days after taking the pill the woman usually has injections of prostaglandin to soften the cervix and help the uterus contract. It all sounds very involved and rather unpleasant but I guess if someone wanted to spike someone’s drink or food with RU486, they could.

    lesley / 11:33pm / 31 October 2007

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