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22 October 2007

The Vision Thing

Bob Brown leaves those other fellas for dead.


  1. Amen brother!

    Stella / 1:14pm / 22 October 2007

  2. Oh, I know. Oh, doesn’t he just. Oh, I love him.

    I heard him being interviewed on the radio this morning and I thought to myself ‘Bob Brown’s approach to politics really matches my approach to politics. For me, this is what politics is supposed to be like. He’s so slow and thoughtful and considered and honest. Nobody else does it like this. But this is really the only right way to do it.’ And the interviewer kept flinging out these stingy, whippy, snappy little questions, and waiting for bob to whip back, like they all do. And Bob just wouldn’t. He would think and answer everything proper and have the right figures and just respond in the right way.

    And I wished I were the blogger type so I could sit and write on my little blog and try to explain a bit of why he seems so right to me. And then I thought, well maybe Ryan will write something on his blog about bob sometime and I can comment. And so you have.
    I just wish I could have explained myself better.

    Libby / 4:38pm / 24 October 2007

  3. He manages to make you feel like a dill for ever doubting him. Even though I was sad that he stopped being Peter Garrett’s friend, he had such a good answer for why they shouldn’t be friends any more that I totally forgave him.

    The only problem with Bob Brown is he makes you realise that our country isn’t actually run by grown ups.

    Ryan / 11:50pm / 24 October 2007

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