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8 December 2007

Final Courses

I got my final marks. I did pretty good. Econometric Theory must have some crazy weighting though.


  1. crazy weighting

    Shoudn’t that be obvious from the course name?

    Wil / 7:43am / 9 December 2007

  2. I wasn’t surprised that it was crazy, but I was surprised by the extent of the craziness.

    Ryan / 8:37am / 9 December 2007

  3. Congrats on your results Ryan!

    Your UNI isn’t the only crazy one out there. For one assignment i received the comments “Miles, you obviously held together the whole group and kept things running smoothly. I’d like to commend you on your excellent performance.” She gave me a pass. Then for a different course i get told that i missed the whole point of the essay and had tonnes of irrelevant information. He gave me a credit. My best marks came from the subject i hated the most and did the least work for, and this tutor congratulated me for my ‘consistent effort.’

    I believe that universities are constituted by small, fluid pocket universes that each have their own set of physical rules.

    Miles / 11:58am / 13 December 2007

  4. Yes. That totally fits with my experience. Perhaps we should set up some experiments to try to quantify the rules in each universe.

    Ryan / 12:35pm / 13 December 2007

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