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3 February 2008


Juno is a fantastic film. Robert and Jenny have clearly been kidnapped and their blog passwords tortured out of them. Who knows how long their captors have been blogging in their place? Let's hope they are still alive.


  1. I liked Juno too… I mean, yes, the dialogue was rather self-conscious or precocious at times — you felt the screenwriter was kind of finding her wings just as the characters were — but, there were so many really good and well intentioned things about the film.. I thought the mother and father (Allison Janney and JK Simmons) were great.. And Kimya Dawson contributing a lot of the soundtrack was an inspired choice too .. She’s a good soul.

    Andrew / 8:50pm / 3 February 2008

  2. my password is in tact, no amount of interigation could get my top secret super secure password out of me. And juno was boring

    howie / 9:12pm / 3 February 2008

  3. So tempted to hack your blog and change your rating for Juno Howie. Oh I wish I had less ethics…

    David / 10:09pm / 3 February 2008

  4. you dont really need to hack david cause you know my password.
    thankyou for having ethics

    howie / 1:15pm / 4 February 2008

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