

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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10 April 2008

Sydney Riding

Sydney Riding

I am pretty tired. I rode 37km. I suppose it isn't so far, but you have to remember that I'm kind of a pansy.


  1. your route looks similar to what they have done for youth week, its sad they didnt close those roads for you ryan, u basicly did the whole route in few hours.

    Anmol / 12:47am / 11 April 2008

  2. I did it over the whole day. It was probably 3 hours of riding.

    Ryan / 9:01am / 11 April 2008

  3. Wow! That’s impressive. I don’t think you’re a pansy – you probably have the right build for long distance endurance road races.

    lesley / 6:26pm / 11 April 2008

  4. wow! thats far!! what inspired you to ride that route? what did you see on your ride? aside from other latex wearing cyclists.???

    van / 7:44pm / 11 April 2008

  5. The route was from Nat’s House (Surry Hills) to work (North Sydney) to uni (Kensington) to beer with Tom (City) and finally back home (Marrickville). Many trips.

    Ryan / 7:23am / 12 April 2008

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