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18 June 2008

Album to Album Artist in iTunes for Windows

iTunes has some wacky album ordering which can screw up coverflow pretty badly. You have to set your "Album Artist" for each album. You'll probably have to do this manually for your compilation-type albums, but there won't be many of those. The bigger problem is setting the field for all your other albums.

There are AppleScript's to copy the "Artist" field to an empty "Album Artist" field namely Doug Adam's one, but that only works on Macs. I started writing myself a iTunes Windows scripting thing, but I'm too lazy to figure it out.

I found Mp3tag through Yahoo! Answers and it's very good.

To copy the field with Mp3tag:

  1. Create an action group called "Album to Album Artist"
  2. Add a new "Guess values" action to that and set the "Source format" value to %artist% and the "Guessing pattern" value to %band%
  3. Run that action group for all your albums with an empty "Album Artist" field
  4. You'll probably have to clear iTunes cache (use "Get Info" on all your tracks, don't change anything but press "OK")
  5. You are done


  1. OMG! Thanks!!!! ive been trying to figure this out forever! your awesome!

    Tyler / 8:05am / 4 September 2009

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