

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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26 June 2008

University is done

I have finished university. And finished it for good.

Oddly enough, my university degree and my university job both finished on the same day. I am very glad. Both were very good and edifying in so many ways. But also often pretty exhausting.


  1. Ryan, you made it. Congratulations on seeing it through.

    Stella / 9:40am / 26 June 2008

  2. Thanks.

    Ryan / 10:02am / 26 June 2008

  3. Yay for you Ryan and congratulations.

    emily / 6:07pm / 26 June 2008

  4. Finished, wow, sometimes I feel like maybe people get stuck in uni forever but you are finished. Not bad for a guy who couldn’t finish highschool. Well done I am very proud of you. Have I ever told you, that I think you are pretty clever?

    gem / 1:29pm / 30 June 2008

  5. I’m slightly surprised I finished. I suppose I didn’t quite finish what I’d intended to finish.

    Ryan / 1:40pm / 30 June 2008

  6. Consider it a worthy milestone in the greater scheme of things :)

    Laurence / 11:52pm / 19 July 2008

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