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5 July 2008

Ryan & Laurence are girls

Ryan & Laurence are girls, originally uploaded by Nutloaf.

Laurence & I went to the housewarming at the Lumpery the other night. It was a carnival sideshow theme, but we ended up pretty much dressing girly. I think I might have been some sort of ringmaster gypsy psychic.


  1. It seems you are much more committed than Laurence,

    howie / 3:31pm / 5 July 2008

  2. Yep. Laurence did try, but it was very subtle. I went out and bought and outfit.

    Ryan / 4:31pm / 5 July 2008

  3. Oh my God, you look like my mum. Maybe we really are related and not just pseudo related.

    gem / 9:59pm / 6 July 2008

  4. Well, I’ll take that as a compliment.

    Ryan / 8:50am / 7 July 2008

  5. You did look fetching in that outfit!
    What a fun night, and those muffins were great.

    Laurence / 11:50pm / 19 July 2008

  6. It was a winner night. And I’d totally forgotten about the muffins. They were winner as well.

    Ryan / 8:54am / 20 July 2008

  7. wow, for ‘chicks’ yer pretty hot.

    lj / 5:10pm / 21 July 2008

  8. I reckon we are way hot.

    Ryan / 5:11pm / 21 July 2008

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