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18 August 2008

Lounge room as film set

Lounge room as film set, originally uploaded by Nutloaf.

We finished shooting the film my friend is making yesterday. Some day of it was in my house. It was really cool having all this cool equipment and lighting everywhere. I hope my friend gets famous, because this is her first real film and my house is one of the stars.


  1. that’s cool.
    did you get to play with any of the stuff?

    howie / 10:54am / 19 August 2008

  2. Yep. I got to play with the DigiDolly a lot. And we set up more lights can I can remember. I didn’t really get to touch the camera a lot though. It was a bit posh.

    Ryan / 11:09am / 19 August 2008

  3. This wouldn’t happen to be Emm’s film?

    Miles / 3:19pm / 19 August 2008

  4. It might be. Perhaps I shouldn’t give it away.

    Ryan / 4:00pm / 19 August 2008

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