

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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15 December 2008

Rudd’s Saddest Day

I think today is Rudd's saddest day. Until today, I had been as happy with Rudd as I ever might have expected. My hopes for him were never high, but they were never disappointed either. But a 5% reduction is just silly. What a giant waste of everybody's time. All those millions of hours those poor scientists, negotiators and bureaucrats spent researching, negotiating and cratifying, they could have spent with their children and grandchildren instead.

Now I want to move to another planet with less mad people on it. I don't think Hobart will cut it anymore.


  1. Is it not? An opportunity to demonstrate leadership on such a crucial issue and what did he do? Wussed out.

    Janet / 10:32pm / 15 December 2008

  2. P.S. Get Up is running a campaign to let Labor know what you think of their decision on this issue.

    Janet / 10:34pm / 15 December 2008

  3. .. yes ..

    Andrew v.w. / 7:29am / 16 December 2008

  4. Maybe Antarctica, since it will be inhabitable anyway soon.

    Laurence / 10:49am / 16 December 2008

  5. Please stay.

    jane / 11:52am / 16 December 2008

  6. What about Cowan, much closer than Hobart

    Howie / 8:02pm / 16 December 2008

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