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25 January 2009

Gran Torino

I went to see Gran Torino by myself on Friday while I was waiting for other things to happen. I had been pretty optimistic about it, because I'm a big Clint Eastwood fan. But having had a couple of days to reflect I have to say that it was not that great. It was a nice story, although fairly obvious and blunt. And Clint was good. There was no love interest, which was a plus. It was a South-East Asian minority that doesn't seem to get a lot of air time. It also had a totally sweet car and there were a lot of guns. Sadly though, it was all a bit soft. The dialogue was average. The car didn't actually have anything to do with the film - I think you see it driven once for about three seconds. There were a few too many cultural cliches and it was all a bit cute. But even thought Clint Eastwood is almost entirely responsible for this film, I still like him a lot.


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