Yesterday I went up to Wollombi with some chums to get a little afternoon mud brick education. It was a massively stressful day and I felt like I almost died, but the mud bricks were so beautiful that they made up for it. I really want to build a mud brick house now. Any remaining doubts I had have been swept away.
I have a thin book on basic Chinese and Tibetan-styles of mud brick building and detailed “how to” instructions that you’re welcome to borrow. My friend, Ang, rescued it for me from her friend who was doing a giant bookshelf spring clean. Ang is wonderful with random “just because” gifts like that. On another occasion when we met to see a movie she gave me a giant zucchini (it was literally about a foot long and 10cm in diameter, and was a main ingredient in three separate meals before it was all gone) and dozens of delicious tomatoes of different sizes, all from her garden. That’s what the world needs more of: homegrown and bin-rescued “just because” gift giving.
Lauren / 7:19pm / 19 April 2009
That would be great. They probably know stacks about mud brick houses. The Chinese have probably been making them for even longer than my friend in Wollombi.
Ryan / 5:36pm / 21 April 2009