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14 April 2009

Christ is Risen

On Easter morning my friend sent me and SMS telling that "Christ is risen." It is a helpful habit that a few of my friends have. But I got to wondering how they work out who to send the reminder to. Presumably they don't remind anyone who has already told them the same thing that morning. You would tend to think that you only send it to people you think might appreciate a reminder. Which leads to the trickier question of who you send a reminder to if you've been reminded by someone else. If you know a lot of the same people then you'd be worried about sending a superfluous reminder to many of your friends. It's a tricky problem to solve, and it's hard to imagine a perfect solution. People are likely to either get two reminders or none at all because people figure they will have already got one. I suspect the reason so few people send out resurrection reminders is because of the difficulty of figuring out this issue. However, it's obviously important to people and I am impressed when people continue social traditions even in the face of logistical or distributional impracticalities.

So I am proposing a government (or perhaps telephone-company) sponsored service, that will send out religious reminders about where Jesus is at on certain days of the year (Easter, Christmas, second coming etc). That way no one risks embarrassingly forgetting what Jesus is doing at important times and no one needs to fret about the niceties of SMS informal reminders.


  1. You’re telling me Jesus doesn’t have Twitter?

    Miles / 7:14pm / 14 April 2009

  2. How dare they call it an organised religion!

    Miles / 7:14pm / 14 April 2009

  3. So that was one of the things I missed most on Easter, people to say Christ is risen and being able to say He is risen indeed. I really missed that. Second best though is that we got to walk around Guatemala City, fists in the air, shouting Cristo Vive Cristo Vive Cristo Vive.

    jo / 1:51am / 15 April 2009

  4. That sounds like wonderful fun. The sort of thing even I might put my fists in the air for.

    Ryan / 10:08am / 15 April 2009

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