

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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6 May 2009

Becoming Janet

I am almost officially my mum. Today I wore five layers of clothing and I loved every one of them. Yesterday, I spend 30 minutes decrying to Jemma the frequent and systemic abuse of teflon surfaces by metal cooking utensils that I observe in all areas of my daily life. And I wasn't just being funny. I really, truly cannot understand the perverse friendship people seem to think exists between non-stick pans and metal.

I think my upbringing is officially complete.


  1. hahaha

    Miles / 12:17am / 7 May 2009

  2. I have totally been realising lately about how much like my mum I am too.

    Mil / 8:44pm / 7 May 2009

  3. Scary, isn’t it?

    Janet / 10:24pm / 7 May 2009

  4. No no. The whole surprise is that it isn’t scary. Those behaviours are totally reasonable and internalised for me. No embarrassment whatsoever. It’s only in comparison to my previous self that I even notice my new found resemblance to you.

    Ryan / 10:44pm / 7 May 2009

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