

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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10 May 2009

Mother’s Day

Jem and I popped over to mum's house for lunch. It was something of a miracle to get the middle of the day off and we had a nice time. We spent most of it fussing around trying to get everything brewed and cooked and organised and to swap all the things that separated families need to swap.

Jem and I cooked a risotto and it was a good one. It had a lot of mushrooms and garlic which are the two main ingredients in risotto of course. We also added rice just to balance it all out nicely.

I fixed some things on mum's computer. We set up her new iPod Nano. I got all my old paperworks that I'd hidden from myself underneath mum's house. If I'm not going to protest the government's silly economic ejaculations then I need to do my tax for the last few years. I don't like tax. Sometimes I wish the government would just take all my income and post me enough vegetables and coffee grounds to live on each week. I'll bet in Cuba they don't spend much time filling out income tax forms. And they have lots of good, fresh vegetables there.


  1. I have to say that I didn’t find Cuba to have many good vegetables at all. They did have cheap bananas and lots of cabbage. I love cabbage so that made me very happy. Tomato if you’re lucky.

    jem / 3:22pm / 22 May 2009

  2. No. They have very little variety. But that’s mostly because they actually take the food miles thing seriously. They mostly only eat what they can grow locally without fertiliser, which is never very much. But the vegetables I did have were so cheap and tasty. I’d be willing to put up with a much, much smaller vegetable section at the supermarket in exchange for tomatoes that taste like something.

    Ryan / 4:48pm / 22 May 2009

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