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16 June 2009

Paul Blart: Mall Cop

Paul Blart: Mall Cop was one of the best comedies I've seen in a while. Certainly relative to my expectations, which were pretty low. I thought it would be too dumb to really enjoy, but it was just the right amount of dumb. The jokes were original and were mostly the new sort of Hollywood film jokes where you suspect that they were written by someone who actually is a bit strange. Most Hollywood comedies make _Friends_ kind of jokes which are predictable and feel kind of systematic. Like they were written by committees.

But Paul Blart had good jokes and mostly didn't just make fun of fat people, which it easily could have. It had a good plot too and the story ran really nicely. I'd give it like 4/5 or something.


  1. “Like they were written by committees.”

    I think they are actually written by committees, usually, aren’t they?

    Jason Grossman / 6:27pm / 16 June 2009

  2. They usually only bill three script-writers, but I guess three is already close to a committee. There are probably also hordes of creative workshopper armies just outside the door ready to offer up what should clearly be the next joke.

    Ryan / 7:06pm / 16 June 2009

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