

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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17 June 2009

My wonderful job

I love my job so much. I can't really imagine a better one. I keep meaning to write a good, long blog post about how much wonderful fun it is, but more hilarious things keep happening and the potential post keeps getting longer.

Last night one of the fellow in my house was wondering around the kitchen and he came across a teddy and a doll in a miniature pram. He had the nicest little conversation with the teddy, rather incredulous that there was a teddy in the kitchen. Then he did a good dance performance for the teddy. Then he came over to let me know there was a teddy in a pram in the kitchen. It made me very happy.


  1. I think you’re a very lucky man in a very important sort of job. well done!

    andrew / 7:09pm / 17 June 2009

  2. That story made me happy too.

    Mil / 5:33pm / 21 June 2009

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