

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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13 July 2009

Wisdom Tooth

I just got my bottom-right wisdom tooth sawed out of my face. The whole thing took about 20 minutes. I got to the surgery about 3:50pm and left about 4:10pm with my tooth, a fistful of gauze and a badly photocopied wound management sheet. The dentist had done about a million wisdom teeth. He even had to saw into my jaw to pull it out, but he scarcely paused. Sometimes there were three sharp instruments jammed into my mouth at once including the bone-saw, but the dentist sung along to the radio during the whole operation.

Now I have a very fat cheek and can't talk much. I also have some missing jaw so the next few days might be painful.


  1. i love this blog

    Miles / 12:58am / 15 July 2009

  2. Love to know the name of your dentist (even if I can’t see his face ..). To add to my dentists-never-to-visit list.

    Andy / 1:45am / 23 July 2009

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