

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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29 July 2009

7 Kilos

I've lost 7kg since January. I weigh less than I ever have since high school. 65kg. After an early but sustained L'Arche-fueled effort of 72kg and dropped down to 69kg after the canoeing trip. Then in the last two months I've lost another 4kg. It's probably all this diabetic-friendly food. One of these days you'll find my sad, frail little corpse curled up on the couch, with a cup of tea in my hand, blood sugar levels approaching nil and John Colman playing in the background.


  1. that is a sad and pathetic but really quite humorous image ryan…

    you should go eat more pancakes and drink more giant smoothies.


    jo / 1:54pm / 29 July 2009

  2. Just cut to the chase: spoonfuls of raw sugar

    Miles / 6:31pm / 29 July 2009

  3. If I had a choice between having to gorge myself on junk food to get healthy and having to abstain from it entirely, I definitely know which one I’d pick. So I’m really quite fortunate I suppose.

    Ryan / 6:52pm / 29 July 2009

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