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29 July 2009

Harry Potter 6

I thought it was long, boring, silly and annoying. Nothing really happened except endless attempts to capture the angst of adolescent romance. Without even a whiff of success. The worst of the Harry Potter films I reckon.


  1. Hurrah! Someone agrees with me!

    lesley / 4:50pm / 30 July 2009

  2. I agree with you, and I haven’t even seen the movie.

    Could you possibly connect me up to the feed again? … The address is …. Thank you Ryan.

    andrew / 4:49pm / 2 August 2009

  3. My goodness, I totally don’t agree! Have you seen the other films recently?! The Ginny/Harry romance actually feels toned down from the book (no purring beasts in sight) and, granted, the Hermione/Ron stuff was pretty painful but it was nothing on the abominable “you’ve ruined everything” teenage soap opera of the fourth movie.

    p.s. And perhaps it was a little excessive to include two house burnings that weren’t in the book, but generally I thought this movie was more true to the spirit (though perhaps not the action) of the series than the others.

    Libby / 2:41pm / 4 August 2009

  4. You are wrong!

    Ryan / 9:53am / 6 August 2009

  5. Oops. I was talking to myself. You make some good points. You’ve actually convinced me a bit. I guess I didn’t think about those subtleties. I am also a complete tosser for not having read the book.

    Ryan / 9:58am / 6 August 2009

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