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11 August 2009

I Don’t Like Him

Yesterday I was running a bath for one of my friends. Another one of my friends was in the kitchen having a conversation with someone else, but they didn't realise I could hear it.

Them: I don't like Ryan. He's alright for some but I don't like him much.
Me: [running out of the bathroom] WHAT?! Why don't you like me? I thought we were friends.
[awkward silence]
Me: Do you really mean that? You shouldn't say that sort of thing if you don't mean it.
[another awkward silence]
[we stare sadly at each other]

After a minute I go back to the bathroom and then leave to go to the club. I return about four hours later. I walk past my friend on their way to bed.

Them: Sorry for what I said. I didn't really mean it.
Me: Thanks. Goodnight.
Them: Goodnight.

And as usually happens when pretty much anyone says pretty much anything in my house, I got a bit teary.


  1. I like Ryan

    Jo / 1:46am / 12 August 2009

  2. I love you too.

    Mil / 10:25pm / 14 August 2009

  3. And predictably enough I do too.

    Janet / 6:57pm / 18 August 2009

  4. i think someone would be a bit sad about something i dont understand not to like ryan. i cant imagine why anyone woudnt like ryan. i guess we all have our moments of being narked or annoyed or something. anyway making up sounds nice. i love you so much i have been wishing you were here to ride with me in the 8hr mountain bike race. i think you need to be here next year.

    keith / 8:50pm / 18 August 2009

  5. I really wish I was there for that race too. I am getting a bit down about how rarely I get to have a good ride.

    Ryan / 9:25pm / 22 August 2009

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