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8 September 2009

Australian Ballet

Does anyone want to go to the Australia Ballet with me? It's only $28 for D-grade tickets (which aren't much worse than the $70 tickets). I love ballet, but I've only seen it about one time in my whole life.

  • 4:34pm
  • Art


  1. When?

    lesley / 10:09pm / 8 September 2009

  2. Oh. November some time. I don’t really mind when exactly.

    Ryan / 6:33am / 9 September 2009

  3. I like the leap from Special Forces Assault Pack to Australian Ballet.

    andrew / 11:08pm / 9 September 2009

  4. I would go is I wasn’t in Alice. I love the ballet too.

    mil / 12:35pm / 10 September 2009

  5. I would go if I didn’t find ballet boring.

    Tom / 12:58am / 14 September 2009

  6. Thanks Tom. It’s nice to know you’d be willing.

    Ryan / 7:01am / 14 September 2009

  7. I reckon I’d go. I’ve never seen ballet. It’s so cheap. Maybe when I get a job I could say yes.

    jem / 9:01am / 21 September 2009

  8. Oh yeah. It sure is cheap. You should get a job though. Maybe working at a nice cafe like Amelie’s.

    Ryan / 9:04am / 21 September 2009

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