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13 September 2009

Wheelchair Empathy

The other day I brought home a rented wheelchair for one of the people in my house. I thought it would be a good opportunity to test out my wheelchair skills, and more importantly show some solidarity with those who can't walk. So I decided to wheel myself home from the chemist. I was getting pretty good so I decided to try crossing through the park. It was a bit hilly and gravelly and I was curious to know just how tough the life of the wheelchair-bound really is. Turns out it is quite tough. I got bogged on a fairly small hill and my wheels would just spin in the dirt. I felt fortunate that I could stand up if I wanted to, but I persevered wanting to demonstrate that pluck we all know that people in wheelchairs have.

After a moment, who should come to my rescue but a skinny, wobbly, 90 year old woman, struggling to stay upright on the footpath. She started to head out across the park calling out that she would come over and help me. She was very unstable and I was worried she was going to fall over. I quickly called back to explain that I didn't need help. I awkwardly tried to tell her that I could actually walk. Luckily, she turned around and made her way back to the footpath without mishap.

I felt like (and also am) a massive dope.


  1. a very empathetic and imaginative dope.

    andrew / 8:47am / 14 September 2009

  2. John spent a day in a wheel chair a bit of a while ago on a similar mission. He’s not a dope though…..he engaged a carer for the day.

    jane / 11:04am / 14 September 2009

  3. I am not such an organised social commentator.

    Ryan / 11:11am / 14 September 2009

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