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16 November 2009

Three Barreled Utopias

I get grumpy at all the three barreled strategies for utopia floating about nowadays. Usually you will a full stop between each word for extra effect. My least favourite so far is Think. Change. Do. for which we have the manicured self-satisfaction of UTS to thank. Now Friends of the Earth International, who I quite like, has mobilize, resist, transform. The words and ideas on their own are great and good. Chain them together with punctuation like that and you reduce the messy, uncertain process of social change to some gimmicky inevitability. Yuck.

Smug. Media graduate. Fuckers.


  1. Amused.

    Tom / 12:24am / 17 November 2009

  2. Read. Laughed. Agree.

    lesley / 7:06am / 17 November 2009

  3. Its endemic .. The latest slogan for the Directorate I work for is “Better informed. Better Positioned. Better Outcomes” ….

    andrew / 7:34am / 17 November 2009

  4. Maybe your one is the new winner Andrew. Although perhaps too awkward to really count as smug. At least it isn’t plastered up all over the city.

    Ryan / 8:54am / 17 November 2009

  5. Collect Socks. …. Profit.

    Miles / 12:14am / 18 November 2009

  6. We all had a laugh about this post last night at commie dinner.

    gem / 2:01pm / 18 November 2009

  7. I almost didn’t bother posting about this, but I’m glad I did.

    Ryan / 6:16pm / 20 November 2009

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