Posted by Nutloaf
I was mildly brutalised by the police and all I got was this lame
bruise. I was dragged away from the entrance of federal parliament
yesterday. The police were surprisingly gentle.
Posted by Nutloaf
I was mildly brutalised by the police and all I got was this lame
bruise. I was dragged away from the entrance of federal parliament
yesterday. The police were surprisingly gentle.
0.090 seconds
Can I ask what were you protesting or acting on? (I’m somewhat out of the media loop at the mo — no radio or tv or internet at my place)
andrew / 11:42am / 24 November 2009
I’m with Andrew, more detail on the story.
Mil / 12:56pm / 24 November 2009
Oh yes. Well, we were just doing a little blockade of Federal Parliament because we are attention-seekers and we are always whingeing about something or other that the government is doing. Yesterday it was about climate change and carbon trading. I think the general gist was that we want Australia to propose 40% cuts by 2020, instead of 5-25%. And we don’t like offsets or carbon trading, because it will just make poor people do most of the reducing while rich people keep living happy, shit lives filled with giant puffs of carbon. We really don’t want rich people to be happy, and that is why were protesting see.
Ryan / 6:51pm / 24 November 2009