With my latest Rails project I'm using a new version of Rails than I'd been used (my last job was over a year ago). It seemed to me that the tests had got substantially slower. Problem was fixtures :all
in the test_helper.rb
. I changed that and things got much quicker.
23 December 2009
Slow Rails Tests & fixtures :all
18 December 2009
DEPRECATION WARNING: ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages & attachment_fu
The latest version of attachment_fu will give you this error. You need to replace a line in this file:
+ errors.add attr_name, I18n.translate('activerecord.errors.messages.inclusion') unless enum.nil? || enum.include?(send(attr_name))
- errors.add attr_name, ActiveRecord::Errors.default_error_messages[:inclusion] unless enum.nil? || enum.include?(send(attr_name))
8 December 2009
War & Production
These are some numbers from Afghanistan.
US military expenditure for the war against (estimated): US $66 billion
GDP (Purchasing Power Parity): US $22.27 billion
So about three quarters of all money spent in that country is used for smashing and killing stuff. One quarter is used for everything else.