

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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17 April 2010

Glebe Markets

Glebe Markets

Posted by Nutloaf

I hate it hate it hate it.


  1. What and Why?

    lesley / 6:23pm / 17 April 2010

  2. I could take a guess (possibly wrongly) at the feelings, but I’d be interested in the why’s too.

    andrew / 9:59pm / 17 April 2010

  3. So much junk. So many people jostling for alternative clothes and bourgeioise shit. It almost has the intensity of an Indian food market but without any sort of meaningful purpose. The claustrophobia. And for some reason perhaps because it seems to be 80% young made-up women, it feels like a super busy shopping complex but with some unpleasant sense of self-righteousness counter-cultural consumption.

    Basically I am a huge snob.

    Ryan / 11:38am / 18 April 2010

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