

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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23 June 2010

Hospital Blood Clot Breakfast

Hospital Blood Clot Breakfast

Posted by Nutloaf

You might that this is the breakfast you get before the blood clot in
your brain but it's actually the breakfast they give you after it.

18 June 2010

They really do suck

They really do suck

Posted by Nutloaf

9 June 2010



Posted by Nutloaf

8 June 2010

Body Butters That Care

Body Butters That Care

Posted by Nutloaf

Sometimes I feel like the world is a tiny bit absurd.

2 June 2010

Prince of Persia

More like Punce of Persia!

What a horrific film. Bad in every way a film can be bad and there are many ways. Racist, sexist, orientalist, fucked, shit and boring. Not even the jumping around villages scenes were any good and that is what the prince is meant to be all about.

Possibly the worst film I've seen at the cinema in several years.

Exchange Risk

I've just had my first real experience of foreign exchange risk. I bought a bike from the UK about three weeks ago. It was worth a bit over £2000. I paid a deposit when the exchange rate was AUD 1.65 = GBP 1. Now it's 1.75 dollars to the pound, which adds an extra $300 to the cost of the dear bike. Gosh and gosh.

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