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8 June 2010

Body Butters That Care

Body Butters That Care

Posted by Nutloaf

Sometimes I feel like the world is a tiny bit absurd.


  1. Only a tiny bit?

    lesley / 10:35pm / 8 June 2010

  2. It is good that body butter cares because most people don’t.

    gem / 10:44pm / 8 June 2010

  3. what even is body butter?
    is there body jam?

    Howie / 10:47pm / 8 June 2010

  4. Is it bad that this made me laugh a lot.

    Mil / 3:37pm / 10 June 2010

  5. Nope. I think laughing is probably an appropriate sort of response.

    I’m not sure if there are body jams. I except someone will bring them out soon if they’re not here already. Perhaps TEAR could bring out “Arguably the World’s Most Caring Body Jam”.

    Ryan / 4:04pm / 10 June 2010

  6. Remind me to laugh at that last comment with you, next time we are hanging out.

    I am not sure if this is relevant but you can get body jam if you go to the gym.

    gem / 12:50am / 18 June 2010

  7. Body Jam and Body Butter will only going to be good if there is Body Toast. Or Body Devonshire Teas.

    lesley / 8:18pm / 23 June 2010

  8. But I seriously wonder whether a piece of toast, even a piece of body toast, can ever really care. What happens when you have a truly empathetic body butter spread onto totally nihilistic body toast? It would become something of a farce.

    But then perhaps I simply underestimate the emotional maturity of toast.

    Ryan / 6:58am / 24 June 2010

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