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13 July 2011

White Guilt

Question: Which of the following three is worse?

  1. White oppression
  2. White guilt
  3. White bread

For many the answer may seem obvious. Most people know of the evils of white bread and many are already resisting it's presence in our lives. However, white bread is not the worst of these three things. The far greater problem confronting us today is white guilt. White guilt is the sadness and shame that white people feel about being white. It is debilitating, frustrating and denies white people the chance to live free and happy lives. It needs to end.

While the flood of white bread into our lives must be firmly resisted, we must also remember that there are greater battles to be fought. White guilt is never OK.


  1. I love white bread.

    Tom / 10:34pm / 13 July 2011

  2. Yeah. Me too. Especially with vegemite. But it is still evil.

    Ryan / 8:56am / 14 July 2011

  3. waaaaaaaaaa i’m white and i shouldn’t have to feel guilty about anything. What a fucking white thing to say

    jj / 11:16am / 20 July 2011

  4. You’re a perfect example of what I’m talking about.

    Ryan / 7:51pm / 21 July 2011

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