

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



Uptime verified by

14 September 2013


So I'm going to Morocco today. In a few hours. I didn't get to bed super early, as often happens with flying around the world times. But I set my alarm for 6am and felt happy with things. At about 5am I woke up to a strange smell in my room. My room is very small. A bit bigger than a queen sized bed. And I sleep in a loft bed. So I'm not always sure exactly what's happening on the ground. I thought that the dog I am minding had dropped such a bad one that it had woken me up. So I opened the window, sleepily. The smell did not diminish. After some time, I decided it must be vomit. I waited a little longer just to be sure. Eventually, I climbed down out from bed. I found a rather deep pool of wee had collected in the lower end of my room. I'd estimate about 10 litres. I'm not sure how this is possible. It is puzzling. But I mopped it up nonetheless.


  1. First poo. Now wee. You’re having a spectacular run of bodily fluids!

    Have a wonderful time in Morocco, Ryan.

    Jenny / 2:03pm / 16 September 2013

  2. Have a blast in Morocco, champ! I hope plans for sightseeing and such all worked out.

    Laurence / 1:56pm / 19 September 2013

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