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1 August 2004

Midwinter Dreaming

We went to A Midsummer Night's Dream last night at Belvoir. I love Belvoir. And it was a totally way awesome play. I haven't laughed so much in years. The acting was great. Whoever wrote the script did a really good job too. So hilarious.

The odd thing is, when I read it in high school I really didn't like it at all. I thought it was stupid and not at all funny. And Bottom just annoyed me. Maybe my sense of humour has got less sophisticated since I was 12. I hope that's the reason. Although maybe it was just fun because it was done by Belvoir and Belvoir is the best.

Everyone should go and see it. It's only $20 or something. And there are still tickets because the theatre wasn't full last night.


  1. Oh yeah midsummers is the bomb. That was our play in yr 11, and I got to play Puck! They spraypainted me green and everything. Good times. Shakespeare was fun in this play.

    A bit more sombre in Macbeth.

    Rach / 11:00pm / 1 August 2004

  2. I love Macbeth. That’s almost my favourite I think. Although all his plays are groovy.

    Ryan / 9:07am / 3 August 2004

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