

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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2 August 2004

Travelling with Scissors

When you travel places, it's very hard not to notice the condom packets strewn everywhere. When I was in New Zealand I noticed, and it made me wonder how people meet up and decide that sharing a room is a good idea. Oddly enough I ended up reading my book in the same room as a girl having a very loud conversation with a guy about all the things other guys do to convince her to sleep with them. It was kind of funny because the guy she was talking to was doing some of the things she was describing. Like trying to convince her that her boyfriend was probably cheating on her.

So my question was answered. I overhead the way this boy tried to convince her to sleep with him. And I overhead her stories of all the multitudes of young men who would pester her constantly. For some reason, knowing it wasn't as simple and amicable as it appears, made me feel much better.


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