

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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15 August 2006


Stavros is such a pirate. I told him I'd move out on the 4th of July. He begged me for several days to move out a week earlier, on the 31st so his new tenant could move in. I dragged Libby and her family back to the house to move all the stuff out, and we worked all day that Saturday so we could be out by the end of the day. And we made it by 5pm. Stavros charged me rent until the 6th. I called him, and he told me to call him back later on.

I called Ray White today and Stavros has left. And he hadn't filled out the forms that let us get our bond back. What a total real estate agent.


  1. find him and u can put a law suit i think , jst talking here nothing more. dont go by me

    Anmol / 12:23pm / 15 August 2006

  2. Bastard!

    Ryan / 8:28pm / 15 August 2006

  3. thats incredible! in a bad way

    jenny / 11:12pm / 15 August 2006

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