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7 March 2009


One of the few disappointments I have with L'Arche is the number of pancakes we have when we have pancakes. We have them frequently, but when we do there seems to be an unspoken rule that we are only to have two or three pancakes (although sometimes it is spoken quite loudly). Previously I would content myself with six or seven or eight pancakes, so things have changed for me quite dramatically. But I am struggling through. Everything else about L'Arche is pretty great, so I get by.

3 August 2007

Organic Maple Syrup Approved

After Jo and Emily had left the house this morning, it was totally up to me to test the new maple syrup I bought yesterday. But I was up to the task. I made the pancake mix, cooked the pancakes and added the syrup all by myself. And it was good. UNSW Food Coop Organic Maple Syrup gets my Pancake Condiment Stamp of Approval™.

12 March 2007

Pancake lovers?

Sometimes I wonder if Jem and I are the only true pancake lovers in the community house. I've had pancakes three mornings in a row now. The last two mornings I've had them by myself and the first morning there were only three of us. We talk a lot about what our expectations of community were before we moved in together. In terms of corn and worms I think my expectations have been totally fulfilled. But in terms of pancakes, although we started out well, things have definitely deteriorated since Jem left. I miss Jem.

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