I need to find a church. But I'm not sure what I'm looking for, and even if I knew I'm not sure that what I would be looking for would be findable at church. I think sermons are perhaps what I don't want.
They should make a country/western church. Where all the songs are in that style, rather than the hottest 18th century hymns or 90s pop. I wouldn't go, but it would be hella cool.
They should have a church of Jazz. I could totally pray along to Coltrane.
Haley / 6:24pm / 16 February 2004
Once a year they have Jazz church in St Andrew’s Cathedral in the centre of Sydney. I went one year. It was quite cool. Had lots of people singing old Jazz Gospel songs.
Tom / 12:30am / 17 February 2004
I went to the jazz last year. There was a lot of talking and not very much jazz at all. But what jazz there was, was good.
Ryan / 9:24am / 17 February 2004