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25 March 2004

Commie Sit

Last night we had a commie sit instead of a dinner. It worked out pretty well I think, although I was a bit hungry by the end. We didn't deliberately not eat dinner; but we didn't particularly try to make some either. Four totally new people came, all of whom have blogs. Kaye, Rachel and James all came, who I've never met at all. And Nicol, Libby's boyfriend came for the first time. So that was very exciting.

And out of 16 (apparently according to Tom) people, only two didn't have blogs and one of them is going to get one soon. It was a pretty good night. We sat around and chatted. We listened to lots of music. We made fun of lots of people who weren't there. Gem drank lots of wine. Just the usual, despite the new format.

I'm also very happy about all the new bloggers. 302 posts in the last month.

Uni has been not much today. I'm blogging from one of the silly computer rooms. Accounting was sort of interesting, but had no one to talk to. Quantitative Methods was great because Louis said "annuities" a lot. But it had no one to talk to. And the microeconomics tutorial was fun, but, again, no one much to talk to. I'm going to wander up to Randwick now for some lunch. Then I'll come back for an economics lecture.

The lectures are quite easy. Much, much easier than the tutorials. Today's tutorial was majorly tricky. My quiet partner and I had to explain the impact of government subsidies on the overall economic surplus. But people didn't seem to understand us. I don't think we used enough different colours in our diagram. It definitely needed some green. Increased surplus was all the same colour as total original surplus, so it was a bit messed up. I might bring my own textas in future.

Very hungry. I hope Randwick has food, because Kensington doesn't. I checked.


  1. Glad to hear you still get to colour in at university

    helen / 6:16pm / 25 March 2004

  2. Oh yes. There is quite a lot. And there would be much, much more if I could afford some good textas.

    Ryan / 8:58am / 26 March 2004

  3. I’m planning 2 get a blog as well now. i dont wanna be sort of left alone now – its jst need time, so actually sit down with tom, or u or someone.

    to help me set it up. plus also – i’m gonna read there guidelines & stuff b4 i decide – maybe

    Anmol / 11:50pm / 30 March 2004

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