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28 March 2004

The Good Thief

Emily and I went out for dinner with Cathy and Andrew last night. We were half an hour late, but they didn't seem to mind that much. Like I said to Emily, they're relaxed sorts. We had pretty good Thai and chatted about immigration and visas and funny people that talk a lot. We wandered back to their house for some quality flash cartoon and film viewing. Cathy had made an awesome Jesus story animation out of nothing but American business clipart. Chris might make some music for it we hope.

We watched The Good Thief. Super tops. Everything a good heist film should be, and with better music.

Andrew gave me epoxy to glue my show, and he presented me one of his cool little eftpos monitors. I have to find an extra video card, so I can plug it in to my computer and make it good.

Today I really need to so some work. I should have on Friday but I ended up chatting on MSN. For 13 hours straight (a PB). And I should have yesterday, but I ended up being beaten up and then had to clean the house.


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