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12 December 2005

Racist Beauties

Up to 5,000 people descended on North Cronulla Beach, chanting racist slogans and attacking people of Middle Eastern appearance in what NSW Premier Morris Iemma condemned as the "ugly side of racism".

What's the pretty side of racism?


  1. nationalism? patriotism? Liberal Party policy on assylum seekers? “wog” jokes?
    you know, the stuff where no one gets hurt… 0_0

    james c / 6:35pm / 12 December 2005

  2. Of course. There are plenty of innocent and entertaining sides of racism when you think about it.

    Ryan / 7:16am / 13 December 2005

  3. Like “Some of my best friends have beards!”

    Willem / 11:52pm / 13 December 2005

  4. You always think of things before I do Ryan. What a good question. Girls in burkhas as much as I struggle to see it are the pretty side of my racism.

    gem / 10:40pm / 21 December 2005

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