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2 January 2006

Pesto Kitchen

When I went to India I decided that I wanted to start a porridge kitchen in Jodhpur. I loved it there a lot, and this young street girl was amazing to me. I thought porridge would be good because it's delicious, India has good semolina to make lovely semolina porridge from and most importantly because everyone seemed hungry and cold early in the morning. I always associate soup kitchens with night time, but eating hot porridge first thing in the morning is brilliant. That was my thinking.

Then today, whilst eating our most delicious fried garlic mushrooms with pesto on muffin I thought it would also be excellent to start a pesto kitchen. At first I thought Rough Edges would be a good place to have it, but then I decided India would be good too. I could do semolina porridge for breakfast and garlic mushrooms and pesto for brunch. I'd probably let the Christian missionaries handle lunch and dinner, and just focus on my core kitchen. Perhaps I could diversify into late night snacks or something later on, once I'd nailed my kitchen model.

Does anyone want to work for a pesto kitchen? You will be paid in pesto and mushrooms, and there will be a competitive, porridge-based incentive scheme for superior kitchen performance.


  1. i’d work for a pesto kitchen. mushrooms account for about half my diet at the moment, so i wouldn’t mind getting paid purely in them. i wouldn’t go to india for it though.

    chris / 8:33pm / 2 January 2006

  2. Just Pesto & Pesso, cause dont like mushrooms that much

    Anmol / 2:43am / 3 January 2006

  3. But India is so fun! And mushrooms are so delicious!

    Ryan / 12:00pm / 3 January 2006

  4. what’s pesso?

    Libby / 2:43pm / 3 January 2006

  5. i thought i might try a spanish or mexican word 4 “money” looks like i spelt it wrong again. should have used india word “rupee”, but doesnt sound nice with pesto

    Anmol / 10:57pm / 4 January 2006

  6. move back to newcastle ryan.

    erin / 11:19am / 25 January 2006

  7. I would like to live in Newcastle a lot. I think a lot of the appeal of Newtown was the first three letters in fact.

    Ryan / 8:40am / 23 February 2006

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