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3 January 2006

Pesticide & Constance

We saw The Constant Gardener the other day and I forgot to blog about it. That isn't a particular uncommon sort of thing, except that it was such a ripper film that I wanted too. I thought it was much better than Fun with Dick and Jane, even though I really liked that a bunch. And it was even better than Good Night and Good luck, although that was totally brilliant. But the biggest surprise is that it actually beats The Legend of Zorro. Antonio Banderas just never puts a foot wrong.

Everything about The Constant Gardener was pretty much perfect. I loved the actors, for somewhat different reasons. The story was really rollicking and page-turnering (as the critics would say), and managed to make me really hate pharmaceutical companies in just two short hours. That was a feat, because I already hated them. It opened my eyes to just how much more potential hate there is when it comes to those happy chaps.

It made me want to go to Africa. It made me want to become a journalist instead of an economist. It made me happy and very sad.


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