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16 January 2006

The Misfits

Libby and I watched The Misfits last night. It was a fascinating film. It has some very odd moments, and the flow was rather strange. I think it started out as a short story that Arthur Miller wrote while he was divorcing his wife so he could marry Marilyn Monroe. She was so lovely in the film.

It started out fairly typically, and the first parts were kind of vague and silly (but still good). But the most interesting part was the last 30 minutes. It was an incredibly intense bit where the three guys tried to round up the remains of a mustang herd outside of Nevada to sell them for dog meat. It was so violent and confronting. They chased this tiny herd around with a biplane. And then chased them with a big truck and lassoed them one by one.

It was extra odd because it all seemed real. The film-maker seemed to be trying to make a point about violence. At one point the main guy says, "seems that the less you kill, the worse it is." But in order to make that point he had to make a film that required violence. It was pretty awful. Still a great film though.


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