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10 June 2006

PHP and Ruby

I predict that PHP will go, and Ruby will replace it. For a developer, the only reason to keep using PHP is its transportability. And that advantage will disappear as web hosts realise that PHP only has this advantage going for it and start installing Ruby. I've been looking at the PHP MVC "frameworks", and they're OK, but you wouldn't use them unless you were wedded to PHP. There is nothing in them that people couldn't have developed five years ago. Even if they had, it still wouldn't have saved PHP. Ruby has elegance that PHP seems proud not to have.


  1. That’s a laugh. What an odd prediction. That’s like predicting that men will stop wearing pants and start using skirts.

    The world is based on business concepts, not loyalty, and currently there are THOUSANDS of PHP and Perl scripts driving the web that will not be cast aside and re-written in Ruby(cough),, but will be updated and re-implemented.

    Base your future predictions on reality, not emotion.

    miss-take / 6:13am / 14 July 2007

  2. It’s only a prediction. Maybe I’ll be wrong. It couldn’t conceivably happen for many years, because of the scripts you’re talking about, so maybe something else better than Ruby will have come along by then.

    Ryan / 7:46am / 14 July 2007

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