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2 February 2008

Shoot Em Up

I think maybe Shoot Em Up is close to my favourite movie ever. It was awesomely violent and clever and funny. We had so much fun.


  1. Mine too! I love the way it starts, straight into the action without any explanation whatsoever. It’s corny, but it’s great. Plus, Monica Bellucci!

    Laurence / 2:04am / 4 February 2008

  2. It’s so corny. It had all the cliches but still managed to be original.

    Ryan / 7:10am / 4 February 2008

  3. Ryan, you should go check out The Mist. It actually turned out to be quite good, it could have been so so bad. It’s really harrowing, gets a good mix of suspense and being-killed-by-giant-acidy-insects-and/or-tentacled-monsters.

    Miles / 10:45pm / 10 February 2008

  4. I love movies about getting killed by those sorts of monsters. I will definitely go.

    Ryan / 6:08am / 11 February 2008

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