

Atomspheric CO2 (PPM)



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2 May 2009

The Happening

I just watched The Happening by myself and it was great. It absolutely trounced all those other films that Shyamalan fellow made. I'd been told it didn't make any sense so I was kind of looking forward to one of those films that feels about half an hour too short but is frequently quite satisfying. It was totally satisfying, but not confusing. I felt like it all got explained and was kind of what you expected without being uninteresting.

I liked the cast. Mark Wahlberg is always winner. Visually it was good too and I'm encouraged when more vicious shots make it into Hollywood films. There was some nice social commentary on our eagerness to force convenient explanations onto observations without a lot of thought. And some moral commentary on our treatment of the planet. All of that without really making you feel too stupid.


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