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4 December 2011

Built-in Cupboards

I went around to my friends house yesterday to help them build some built ins. Build them built-ins in we sure did. I have no idea about cupboards or built-ins. Or even carpentry and tools in general. Except for what my dad taught me when I was 10. At 10 I felt like a new quite a bit, and for a 10 year-old I probably did. I sawed and glued all sorts of little woody things. Sometimes with metal. And I would haul timber up into trees and nail it to things to make the trees more fun to sit in. However, I never built furniture that wasn't in a tree. And I haven't even built tree furniture for about 20 years.

Fortunately my friend is quite savvy when it comes to wood and other practical similars. The day turned out well well and was well fun. The cupboard went in after a good full day of drilling and screwing and shoving at bows in bits of wood to get them straight or rectangles. It weighs a lot. Possibly much of that is screws. We went through quite a few screw heads. But we finished the construction bit and it looks pretty sweet. It stands up straight, even according to the level. And the shelves are perpendicular to gravity, which is pleasing and a bit unexpected.

Today I ache a little from shoving at twisty bits of the wood. I should go to the gym or something one day.


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