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7 July 2011

FTP access update on sprint

In lieu of the highly successful hacking of my previous server, I've decided to completely turn off FTP on I've updated SFTP (which is file transfer over the properly secure SSH) access for everyone with an account.

That's only really going to affect these folks:


You folks will have to use FileZilla or some such that supports SFTP. I've also installed SSH2 support into PHP so that WordPress will let you update it automatically from the admin area using your same login details.

18 June 2011

Fewer Servers

Now we have gone back to one server. Everything has moved to The old got a little hacked two weeks back and had to be permanently shutdown. I've been restoring everything from backups on that server since then. That's mainly,, and a few blogs. I'm still sorting out a few things. There was some stuff on there which hasn't been looked at in maybe a decade.

6 July 2010

Servers out the ears

After frustrations with Slicehost (crashing a lot and weird stuff happening) and discovering that the VirtualBlades VPS I got in March is hosted on a refurbished Atari and decided to move stuff somewhere better.

Now we are all on a happy New Zealand server with RimuHosting. From Australia latency is around 30ms (instead of 220ms from Slicehost) and the server is well speedy. Fingers crossed.

9 February 2010

Server Downtimes

Sad times for the server. As always, whenever I get out of SSH range the server decides to crash itself. This time it did it for about two solid weeks. 70% uptime for the last month. Oh dear. I haven't figured out why it was so unhappy. Perhaps it just missed me and was looking for attention. I feel like our relationship is a little up and down. Sometimes I do wonder if we'd both be happier without each other. But I doubt we'll separate. We've been two long together now I think.

I'll do a bit of an apt-get upgrade. Might make things better. Could make things worse. We will see. I'm going away for another two weeks on Friday. Poor old smurf.

13 August 2008

Server Hotlinking

I've disabled image hotlinking on the smurf server because I didn't know how to measure what bandwidth hotlinked images were consuming and I suspected they were using a lot. It shouldn't have any impact on anyone unless you're hotlinking images. If you don't know what hotlinking is, then you aren't doing it.

6 August 2007

Blogs now on Smurf

I have moved all the WordPress blogs to my new server at SliceHost. The server is called smurf. I don't think I screwed up the database or left it out of sync or forgot to change the permissions for images. But we will see.

If things are going wrong, it's probably not your fault.

Moving blogs

People who have blogs on my server might not be able to get to them for a little while. I'm moving them to a better server.

29 April 2007

Blogfeed Atomfeed

Blogfeed now has it's own Atom Feed. Given that I just forgot (for a minute) how this post was different to my post a few days ago about Atom and Blogfeed, most of you will probably also wonder. Chris asked for this, but I'm certainly not convinced that it provides any value. Hopefully it does for Chris. At least I learnt about Atom.

25 April 2007

New Atomic Blogfeed

Blogfeed is now Atom-enabled. SimplePie is approximately four billion times better than PEAR fricking XML Feed Parser. And after a brief romance, I've concluded that PHP date() is much, much better than PEAR Date. If only PEAR wasn't so neatly integrated and standardised I'd abandon it altogether.

If anyone is wondering what all this means, it is that Tom, Steve and Anmol can now all come to the Blogfeed party.

10 April 2007


The VPS totally died while I was at the Blues Festival. It's running again now. It will probably happen again though. I suppose you get what you pay for.

4 April 2007

Missing Thomas

Tom is missing from the Blogfeed. We apologise for any inconvenience or psychological harm.

17 March 2007

Blogfeed dates

Tom helpfully pointed out that Blogfeed dates were totally borked. I spent a fair while fixing them, and maybe I still haven't. Pear Date sure does suck arse. Timezones are awful horrid things. Quite a few people are an hour out still, but I'm pretty sure that's because they've put 10 in where 11 would have made a better timezone offset. Daylight saving is also a dog.

15 March 2007

Blogfeed moves to flaky server

In the interests of saving the money of my old work, I've moved to my flaky server. Currently it's at but that should change when I have a bit more time.

6 March 2007

WordPress RSS

If you want WordPress to show more than 10 items in the RSS you can change it in Options > Reading.

2 March 2007

Minor Blogfeed changes

I made some little changes to Blogfeed. It now shows the activity for all the non-Blogger folks. Hopefully readers will be more likely to go to the actual website when there are lots of new posts.

1 March 2007

Tom is back

After some extended technical difficulties - me forgetting to uncomment Tom's config line - Tom is back on The Bog.

Tom - Just out of curiosity I'd be interested to see your Webstat graphs during your exile.

3 January 2007

WordPress MU

I've installed WordPress MU on my happy little server. So if any of those folks languishing on Movable Type want to move their blogs you should let me know. If you want some theme it's easy to throw it in there too. There are heaps of good themes for WordPress.

6 December 2006

More virtual servers

I'm started renting a dandy server in America for $13 a month. It's pretty sweet. Full root access. 128MB ram. 5GB hard disk space. More bandwidth than you can poke a stick at. I moved this blog there yesterday, and it took all of about 10 minutes. I might move more important things there if all goes well.

One of the fun things is that you can install any of about 15 different Linux servers onto it with a little click. I've already been through two versions of Ubuntu and a version of Debian vanilla. I'm thinking I'll stick with Ubuntu Dapper now though. Seems pretty sweet. Lighttpd is finally in the repositories.

28 October 2006

RSS Blogfeed

I've fixed up Blogfeed to use RSS. If someone doesn't have that then it can still do it the old way. But everyone seems to have RSS already. If your site is currently working on Blogfeed, then you can remove the old comments from your blog.

14 July 2006

More pretty blogfeed

I made Blogfeed more pretty.

Update: Much thanks to those beautiful human beings at Alistapart.

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